Bump In The Night is out!

BumpInTheNight_500x750_0 The erotic horror anthology Bump In The Night is now available from Riptide Publishing. It contains my short story “Flesh And Song” and several other weird, wonderful, shocking tales of sex and terror. Mine is by far the tamest one of the bunch!

If you like your man-on-monster sex to keep you awake nights, then you have to pick this up. You will not regret it.

Done and done!

Well, mostly. There are still a few tweaks I’d like to make, if I can dig up the right plugin/widget, but the bulk of my monster website has been moved from the old digs to this fancy-pants new WordPress site. Man, that was a HUGE job. Something on the order of 60 pages that could not, as it turned out, simply be copied and pasted from there to here. Yikes O_O That might not be a lot for some folks, but for me it was a tremendous amount of work. I think it was worth it, though. I like my new place. I hope y’all like it too 🙂