The Mojo Mysteries series follows the paranormal adventures of Adrian Broussard (eldest son of Dr. Bo Broussard from the Bay City Paranormal Investigations series) and Greg Woodhall, the charismatic theater major Adrian meets at UNC Chapel Hill in book one, Love, Like Ghosts. When it was first published, Love, Like Ghosts was the last book in the BCPI series, but now that I’m re-releasing my former Samhain Publishing books I’ve decided to make it book one of the Mojo Mysteries series instead.
Mojo Mysteries Book 1: Love, Like Ghosts
Truth. Lies. A century-old mystery. What a tangled web…
At age eleven, Adrian Broussard accidentally used his mind to open a portal to another dimension. Now, ten years later, he’s successfully harnessed his strong psychokinetic abilities. In the process, he’s learned the lessons which have become the guiding principles of his life. Absolute truth. Absolute control. Always.
Sticking to his personal code of ethics has never been a problem, until two chance meetings—one with a hundred-year-old ghost, one with a handsome, living man—turn his orderly existence upside down.
Having grown up in a family of paranormal investigators, Adrian is intrigued by the spirit of Lyndon Groome and determined to solve the mystery of his death. Greg Woodhall, however, affects Adrian in unpredictable ways. His touch challenges Adrian’s hard-won control over his abilities, and his company becomes a light in Adrian’s lonely life.
As the mystery surrounding Lyndon’s death turns sinister, Adrian’s relationship with Greg deepens into something serious. Something Adrian wants to keep. But intimacy isn’t as easy as honesty, and when the heart’s involved, the line between right and wrong becomes as vague as a ghost.
Copyright 1st edition © 2009 Ally Blue
Copyright 2nd edition © 2019 Ally Blue
One hell of a dangerous mystery.
Three years after solving the hundred-year-old murder case that brought them together, Greg Woodhall and Adrian Broussard have settled into life together in the colorful college town of Chapel Hill. Adrian’s doctorate research and Greg’s two jobs keep them busy, but they have each other and life is good.
When Greg’s part in a local theater production leads to a chance to help with a paranormal investigation of the historic Playmakers Theater, Greg jumps at the opportunity. The idea of helping the Bay City Paranormal Investigations team—owned by Adrian’s dads—investigate the theater’s rumored spirits excites him.
No one expects the real action to happen at DogOpolis, the hot dog place where Greg works part-time. Who ever heard of a haunted fast food joint? But the entity they encounter there poses a danger not only to Greg, but to Adrian and the people they both love. It’ll take all their combined talent to solve this mystery and stop the thing plaguing DogO before it stops them. Permanently.
Copyright 1st edition © 2012 Ally Blue
Copyright 2nd edition © 2019 Ally Blue